Welcome to Polstar Group
Polstar Group Ltd. has been a trusted name in masonry since 1993.
We have been working with some of the best names in construction and always deliver on time and budget.
Polstar Group is aggressively growing with long term business plan focused on building strong client, partner relationships.
The saying “Your business is our business” fully represents our philosophy.
[tagline_box link=”http://polstargroup.ca/contact-us/” button=”Contact us” title=”It would be a pleasure working with you. We look forward to serving you soon.
For a confidential discussion regarding your next project,” description=”Please call us today (416) 674.1180“][/tagline_box][content_boxes]
[content_box title=”Masonry & Stucco” icon=”” image=”http://polstargroup.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ico-masonry.png” link=”http://polstargroup.ca/wordpress/?page_id=258″ linktext=”Learn More”] We work with our own crews, and most of our employees have been with us for many years. [/content_box]
[content_box last=”yes” title=”General Contracting” icon=”” image=”http://polstargroup.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ico-contractor.png” link=”http://polstargroup.ca/wordpress/?page_id=260″ linktext=”Learn More”]With over 20 years of experience, every project
is build and or managed to your precise needs and budget.[/content_box]
[content_box title=”Investment Advising” icon=”” image=”http://polstargroup.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ico-investments.png” link=”http://polstargroup.ca/wordpress/?page_id=262″ linktext=”Learn More”]Polstar Group offers consultation and expertise in investment risk analysis considerations[/content_box]
[title size=”3″]RECENT WORKS[/title]
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[one_half last=”no”][title size=”3″]WHY CHOOSE US[/title]
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- Polstar Group Ltd. has been a trusted name in masonry since 1993
- We work with our own crews
- We work directly for builders
[one_third last=”no”][title size=”3″]TESTIMONIALS[/title]
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[testimonial name=”Genesis Homes” gender=”male or female” company=”Ruvan Waltman”]”Polstar has been our “mason of record” for over 10 years and I would not consider using any other company. In that span, they have completed several hundred homes for us, ranging in style from high-end customs to production singles and townhouses. Their prices are competitive and they are extremely hands-on and professional. They work efficiently, safely and have top-notch on-site supervision. I would recommend them without qualification.”[/testimonial]